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Can Shapewear Fight Cellulite?

19 Aug

By Adam Welsch
Cupid Intimates

If you’re a woman over the age of 25, chances are that cellulite is already a part of your life or soon will be.  The Mayo Clinic reports that at least 4 out of 5 women have it.  Much has been written about the subject over the last four decades, and many treatment solutions have been offered.  Everything from diet & exercise, surgery, and infrared light, to creams, injections, and massage therapies are available.  In the last few years, companies have even developed shapewear they claim can actually reduce cellulite.  Do any of these solutions work?  Can cellulite really be beaten just by slipping on the right shaper? (more…)

Are You Ready for Cyber Panties?

17 Jun

By MaryJo Kosisher-Demski
Cupid Intimates

If you randomly poll 100 women  you meet today on the street, at the grocery store, at your kid’s pee-wee soccer game, or at the gym and ask them one simple question, “Why do you wear underwear,” I dare say you’ll receive a myriad of responses.  “Aren’t I supposed to?”  “So nobody can see through my white shorts, of course!”  “I want to feel sexy under these jeans.”  “I’m not quite in the same shape I was prior to having children so these panties rein me in.”  Well, here’s another one that’ll soon be added to that extensive list, “I need to monitor my blood pressure.” (more…)

8 Reasons to Choose Shapewear over Surgery

11 May

By Adam Welsch
Cupid Intimates

Despite leading lives that incorporate healthy diets and exercise, many women still struggle to eliminate bulges and pockets of excess flab.  Whether such problem areas take the form of pot bellies, muffin tops, love handles, back fat, saddle bags, or bingo arms, exasperation often leads to thoughts of cosmetic surgery.  While such surgery can correct body imperfections, “going under the knife” is certainly a drastic step to take.  A better alternative for many women is a selection from the wide variety of modern, technically sophisticated, comfortable shapewear available today. (more…)